vineri, 10 august 2012

TVD Season 4 Spoiler: Julie plec about love triangles


Tranzitia Elenei intr-un vampir - si faptul ca isi aminteste tot ce Damon a constrans-o sa uite - va avea mari consecinte asupra relatiei ei cu fratii Salvatore."Toate aceste lucruri pe care ea le-a experimentat cu Damon si cu Stefan vor avea un context diferit cand va deveni o noua persoana" spune Plec."Aceasta circumstanta ii va face sa le pese unul de celalalt chiar mai profund,mai intens si sa se iubeasca cat mai profund posibil."


Poate ati auzit ca hainele vor zbura atunci cand Tyler si Caroline se vor reuni.Dar oare hibridul va fi el insusi, sau Klaus va fi inca in posesia lui?"Va trebui sa asteptati si sa vedeti" "Intre timp , o persoana care are "o istorie" cu Tyler va sosi.Vom incepe sa intelegem ca este un prieten al lui , care a fost foarte important pentru Tyler in trecut."Spune Plec. Deci ar trebui ca fanii lui Tyler si Caroline sa se ingrijoreze? "De fiecare data cand o fata noua vine in oras cineva se ingrijoreaza.Dar Tyler si Caroline au o puternica legatura si o puternica relatie.Deci ar trebui ca cineva chiar foarte special sa se puna in calea lor."

Elena’s transition into a vampire – and the remembrance of all the memories Damon erased – will have big consequences for her relationships with both Salvatores. “All these things that she’s experienced with Damon and with Stefan will have different context for her as she’s becoming this new person,” previews Plec. “This circumstance, which is pretty horrific, is going to make them all care about each other even more deeply and argue even more intensely and fracture even more greatly and love as deeply as possible.”
You may have heard that clothes will fly when Tyler and Caroline reunite. But will the hybrid actually be himself during the happy embrace, or will Klaus still be in possession of him? “You’ll just have to wait and see,” Plec replies coyly. “I definitely think that Klaus is going to unwittingly provide a little bit of mistaken identity hijinks in the first episode back.” Meanwhile, a fresh face who has “a history” with Tyler will arrive. “We’ll start to understand that this is a friend of his, who’s been very important to him in the past,” teases Plec. So should Caroline and Tyler fans be worried? “Any time a hot, new girl comes to town, somebody’s got to be worried about something. But Tyler and Caroline have a really solid bond, a really solid relationship. So it takes somebody really special to get in the way of that.”

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